leach away造句
- Another potential source of error is groundwater, which can leach away amino acids.
- When Stoops became Oklahoma's coach in December 1998, he hired Leach away from Kentucky to become his offensive coordinator.
- That excess nitrogen leaves the garden as a gas or leaches away with rain or irrigation toward water supplies, and it can set back VAM activity.
- There is an easy, primitive process of starch extraction from sago pith that leaches away a sufficient amount of the toxins and thus only the starch component is consumed.
- As the recording companies have contended since the introduction of the analog cassette, unauthorized copying could leach away the investments that record companies have typically made in musicians and marketing.
- It's difficult to find leach away in a sentence. 用leach away造句挺难的
- The latosol is completely reliant on the rainforest to maintain fertility, as all nutrients leach away quickly when the forest is felled and the layer of humus is no longer being replaced.
- As Sen . Charles Grassley, an Iowa hog farmer and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, put it, " The product of a life's work leaches away like seeds in poor soil ."
- A soil analysis at Texas A & AMP; M told me that I had excessive phosphorus as this does not leach away as nitrogen and potassium do, and that the built-up phosphorus hindered roots from absorbing trace minerals.
- Calico cats bring good luck . " Although the Ogatas adopt a calico-colored cat, Hoppy Creetat, Ivah continuously waits for a black cat to come to her family, to leach away the grief and sadness which has settled over her family, especially her father, following her mother's death.